Booking Here!


Only dates with fully booked are listed. Please contact us as we may be fully booked due to time lag due to reservations from other sites. Basically, do not accept booking on the day.

Online Travel Agency



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Access to our guest house

Address: #68 Teranoushiro, Hanawa,  Kazuno-shi, Akita-ken, 0185201

● Via Shinkansen Express : From JR Morioka station take highway bus" Michinoku go" to " Hanawa Ekimae" station bus stop.

We are only 7min walk from the bus stop.

● Train : JR Hanawa line Morioka - Odate. We're on the JR Kazuno Hanawa station. Walk 7min to our guest house.

● Highway bus from Tokyo : Take "Jupiter go" from " Ikebukuro " to " Hanana Ekimae"  station bus stop.

● Drive : Take the E4 Took Expressway from Morioka city center and get off at " Kazuno Hachimantai IC" From there it is only 5min drive.

● Flight : " Odatenoshiro" airport. 1hour drive or airport bus to our guest house.

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